Rufus V134.270 Downloadrufus V1.3.4.270 =LINK=
The installation process is just as simple as it is on Windows. All you need to do is download the file, double-click it to run Rufus, and follow the prompts. Rufus will check the system for any drivers it needs, then start preparing the drive. The process is so fast that in most cases, you will know the operating system or application will soon be ready for boot.
Rufus V134.270 Downloadrufus V1.3.4.270
At the end of the process, you can go ahead and boot the drive. When you do, you will see that Rufus has created a folder containing everything that was changed during the process. The drive now has a fully functional operating system.
You will need to get more information about Rufus. Go to their website and check it out. You will discover that Rufus contains a lot of useful information as well. This includes detailed instructions on how to install the software, troubleshooting, the creator's history, as well as videos and demos.
The final point to make about the creator of the software is that he is a well-known developer. From the website, you will be able to view his credits and accomplishments. This information can be useful if you need to search for similar software to Rufus. The creator is also well-respected by the community. Users' trust him and that is why the community likes him.
Once the download is complete, extract the ZIP file to extract it to a pre-defined folder, which we will name "" and then double-click the extracted file. Alternatively, you can also use the compressed form of the software.
Rufus is also designed to be easy to use. Unlike other programs that require you to create an archive of your personal data and create a fat32/ntfs/nfs partition, Rufus makes the process of creating a flash drive as easy as ABC. Just fire it up, choose a drive type and a size, and optionally select between whether or not to install all programs.